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Geopolitics, energy, advocacy and gender defense

After an extensive international career that has taken me to several countries, many of them in the Eastern Region due to my knowledge of Russian and Eastern affairs, I have no doubt that peace must be defended at all costs.  Furthermore, having seen first-hand how peace crises are usually a product of energy crises, I am a strong advocate of engagement and energy diplomacy to balance the energy needs of multiple countries. 

Peace and energy needs are not always good bedfellows, but they must co-exist and interact, not only out of political commitment but also out of necessity.  Affordable energy has become a matter of national security and a foreign policy objective. 

Although the EU was founded on a coal agreement, it then became an economic union and energy integration was not part of it. Energy was seen as a matter of sovereignty for each member state. But now the situation has changed. Energy is the cornerstone of the EU and must play its role as a key element of its defence policy.  Energy that must be decarbonised and greened, in line with the commitments already made by the EU.

So let us all work together for a greener world, without forgetting the need for a more equal world where women must play a leading role in the WPS agenda.

Como abordar el desfase de genero en los asuntos de paz y seguridad internacional - AMDE SWIIS

XXII Aniversario de la Resolución 1325 de NNUU sobre Mujeres, Paz y Seguridad

Wondering on the present situation and claiming the UN Charter role, diplomacy and peace above all situations

Today as I am following the news I cannot figure out where we are and where we should be standing regarding the situation between Russia and Ukraine.  I have not written in my blog for almost two years now and I wonder if my interest in sharing this information in white and black here arises from a moment of disturbance or the need of clarifying myself around the importance of diplomacy and geostrategy.

All to reach one premise that I am and I was the main defendant of and it is the UN Charter, signed in 1945, so alive today, with such amazing preamble:



to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,


to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used”.

So, let's claim this and act accordingly.  Let us join forces in order to put the machinery of diplomacy at work and get back to Business as Usual and to our own lives and respect.

I remember in 2008 when I was deployed to Georgia with the EU Monitoring Mission to report on the situation of the ground after the out surge of the war between Georgia and Russia. For the sake of the same situation as the one we are living now, Georgia getting closer to NATO and Russia not willing to have neighbour state belonging to NATO.  Different approaches, views, different countries, same issue. In both cases the Presidency of the Council of the European Union was/is under France, interesting enough.   Since then it is also my understanding that geopolitics and energy go hand by hand and with no doubts this is the case nowadays, Russia as the main provider of gas to Europe and Ukraine as the main transit country.

Let us reclaim the UN Charter and multilateralism in order to solve the possible conflict, let us cool the situation and avoid suffering from the Ukraine populations that is seeing its own territory been damaged, torn and cut off. Indeed, history has ways of giving, creating and dividing territories, due to several issues, but let us respect the present borders as they exist and avoid interference within other territories and their own sovereignty. Russia has also border with Finland, Estonia and Latvia and things go Ok in those.  Hoping that the situation goes back to “normal” and we can rely on democracy and the respect of human rights and avoid the use of force as it is forbidden by the UN Charter.

24th October, Un Day, 75 anniversary of the UN Charter and organisation

 Proud to have been part of the UN 28 years ago for 11 years or more.  An now to be engaged in a company such as Enagás that supports and publishes today a post that I encourage reading

An honour to have worked under the mandate of Kofi Anan for seven years who was a real defender of peace and justice world wide.  

Curso de La Granda sobre la Actualidad de la Seguridad Internacional

El 9 de agosto estuve en Avilés en La Granda invitada en un Curso de verano por mi buen amigo el Embajador Servando de la Torre.  El tema del curso era al seguridad internacional y los ponentes eran un grupo de militares y diplomáticos de alto rango y nivel.  Los temas todos ellos muy interesantes sobre la actualidad de la seguridad internacional: la estrategia de seguridad de la UE; el terrorismo; Siria; España en las Misiones de Paz internacionales; ciberseguridad; la OEA y mi propia participación sobre Mujer, Paz y Seguridad.  Un día muy refrescante, en un entorno maravilloso junto a unos expertos de primer nivel.  Como nota a mejorar y reivindicar que haya más mujeres en los paneles.  Os dejo el link al Curso y algunas noticias que han salido en los medios para que veáis más.

Link a noticia de ABC: sin la mujer en mediación de conflictos la paz no será duradera

ABC sobre el terrorismo

Sobre Corea