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EU Neighbourhood Policy

The European Union has developed an intensive policy of strengthening its relationship with neighbouring countries. These involved are sixteen countries, six to the east and ten to the south, the eastern and southern borders of the EU.  The six countries to the east are: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova.  Russia remains a specific case in terms of its relationship with the EU, given its size and vast population, and must be addressed with a different instrument. Towards the south the border countries are: Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan, Israel, the occupied territories of Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Libya and Lebanon.
A close relationship with neighbouring countries benefits all involved. Certainly the EU is interested in a more secure and stable developed border area and the East and South countries would benefit from the EU values and market opportunities.

Gender and Violence

Women are the weakest part of society whenever a war or conflict takes place either between two countries or within one single country.  For these reasons, the UN some years ago adopted UN Resolution 1325 to develop the idea of women, peace and security.  This UN Security Council Resolution (UNSC) is two-folded; on the one hand it addresses the fact that women are the ones that suffer most from a war or conflict, so they have to be protected.  Sexual abuses and violence against women are used as a tool in a war against the opponent.  This causes a lot of despair and suffering among women in the populations undergoing a situation of conflict.

On the other hand, the UN tries to involve more women in security and peace processes, as it is rare to have a female special representative of the UN in a conflict and or post conflict zone.  Both ideas complement each other and thus implemented would give a better understanding and a faster access to a stable situation of peace in a post conflict area, country or region.  This UNSC Res was followed by other UNSC Resolutions that adapted, expanded, clarified and reinforced the idea and the steps to follow in order to achieve the aim of respecting the rights of women in a conflict.  Still today there is much to be done to implement this idea and train all the actors involved to understand and take into account these UNSC Res as legal principles to be respected with no exceptions.